COVID-19 Policy
Conker Crew have implemented the hierarchy of controls as set out in Government guidance of July 1st 2020 (‘Actions for early years and childcare providers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak’) so that we can minimise contact with individuals who are unwell by
- Advising parents that they will be expected to avoid using public transport to attend Conker Crew sessions – preferably participants should walk or cycle or if using a private vehicle travel only with members of their own household.
- Informing parents that there should be NO ATTENDANCE by anyone who has any of the coronavirus symptoms. Likewise, you should not attend our setting if anyone in your household has displayed any of the coronavirus symptoms or if they have been advised to isolate by NHS Track and Trace. If any participant arrives displaying symptoms they will be asked to leave.
- Hand washing will be implemented more regularly than usual – for 20 seconds with running water and a thorough dry or with the use of alcohol hand rub/sanitiser ensuring that all parts of the hands are covered. Paper towels will be provided by hand washing stations and hand sanitiser will be included in each participant’s activity bag. There will be signs reminding participants of this and frequent opportunities to do so. If any participant is directed to do this and refuse, they will be asked to leave the session.
- Ensuring good respiratory hygiene by promoting ‘catch it-kill it-bin it’. There will be several waste facilities around the site and tissues are supplied within the individual kit bags.
- Cleaning frequently. All tools, shared equipment and resources will be thoroughly cleaned between sessions.
- Minimising contact and mixing through environment (specific layout for social distancing, safe hygiene practices, arrival etc) and timetable (changeover times will allow for thorough cleaning and no ‘bubble’/group mixing)
- Minimising additional risk from singing, shouting by using social distancing markers and only doing so when this measure is in place.
- Minimising the use of portable toilets – sessions will be shorter and parents will be given information regarding this.
- Using PPE only when necessary. While it is not required beyond what is usually worn, if social distancing cannot be maintained from someone with coronavirus symptoms then PPE is a requirement.
- Ensuring that all freelance staff agree to testing if they become symptomatic at any time.
- Communicating with all stakeholders digitally, particularly parents regarding expectations, routines etc. They will be expected to agree to the new policy and procedures before being allowed to participate in a any Conker Crew session.
- At present sessions can only take place on private premises and so all sessions will take place at our private Conker Crew space at Simply Cherish Nursery, 77 Alexandra Road South, M16 8GJ
Parent and Child sessions (for children aged 3-5 or those who are able to ‘manage’ without parental support) are limited to 5 children per session and parents will be not be permitted to join in activities. They will be on site but must remain within a designated area where they will be expected to socially distant from the other adults and children. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in being asked to leave the session. There will be only one FSL for these sessions with no portable toilet facilities.
Private sessions are available for individual families (from the same household or support bubbles – up to a maximum of 12 people). There will be one FSL at these sessions and a portable toilet can be available on our site. These sessions can also take place in your own private space if suitable e.g. large back garden with external access, outside tap/hose and sufficient space for numbers involved.
Parent and toddler/baby sessions are for non-movers only with a clear socially-distant expectation. There are no toilet facilities available on site.
Playscheme sessions (for children aged 5-7) are limited to 10 children. Parents may stay if they wish but will not take part in any of the activities and will be expected to socially distant from others. Alternatively, children can be left at the Conker Crew site and collected at the end time in a socially distant manner. A portable toilet will be available during these sessions.
Conker Crew 2nd July 2020
If you have any further queries re. COVID-19, please contact Chantel on 07576766645 or you can email