How do I book?

Bookings are via the bookwhen system www.bookwhen.com/theconkercrew – all sessions will be listed and will be advertised across our social media platforms. Block bookings will be for 3 consecutive weeks (or 2 for The Rock Steady Crew) – there is no PAYG option at this time. Payments are all in advance and at the time of booking in order to avoid cash handling.

I have a booking from Early Spring Term or Spring Term 2020 that was not refunded and for which I asked for a transfer. Can this be used at these sessions?

They can, yes. However there are price, location and session structure differences right now. If you agree to a straight swap and we have space (please note that due to very small numbers being currently allowed, it may not always be possible to accommodate you immediately) then yes, the transfer is valid and we will do our best to welcome you back. However, if you would prefer to wait and see if a return to a more ‘usual’ Conker Crew is possible then the transfer from those two specific terms can remain valid indefinitely.

What will happen when we arrive?

The gate will be open and you’ll be able to enter freely without having to queue or congregate outside. There will be individual kit bags hanging nearby and you’ll be directed to choose one – this will be your child’s for use throughout the session. They are cleaned thoroughly and contents replenished or replaced after each session. They are used by no one else but your child. There are also seats around the site and we ask that you choose one for the duration of the session – you can leave bags/belongings there to ‘mark’ your territory!

Can I interact with my child during the session?

Yes, of course. However, the welcome circle and any closer contact activities, skills or crafts are for the children only – no adults, please. This is so that we can aim to socially distance whenever possible. Please respect that any sharing of equipment (e.g. mud kitchen utensils, tools, ropes and tarps for example) has been accounted for in our risk assessments as being minimal and amongst the FSL and children only. Kit bag equipment is for you and your child only.

What handwashing facilities will be available?

There will be regular verbal reminders and visual signage for handwashing throughout the session and across the site. We have running water from a 40L camping shower – soap will be administered by FSL only or via a foot pump control system and each kit bag contains a small hand sanitiser for use by you and your child only. Paper towels are also provided and you will be asked to wash hands upon entering the site.

What about social distancing?

We will be asking parents to maintain 1-2m social distancing where possible, but that the children will not be expected to do so throughout.

Will there be any refreshments on site?

At present, we will not be offering any refreshments to adults in order to minimise any cross-contamination. You are welcome to bring your own on tothe site for you and your child and we ask that you take all rubbish home with you. We will be able to offer some basic campfire snacks to the children such as marshmallows – with no shared sticks, of course!

What will happen if someone in the group catches COVID-19 at any time?

There is obviously a risk that a member of our group (or member of their family) could contract coronavirus. If this happens we will close with immediate effect and inform all those concerned, reminding them that the guidance is that they should themselves self-isolate for 14 days: that also includes any Conker Crew staff. Refunds for any remaining sessions in the pre-paid booked block will be given.

What about if anyone suspects they have COVID-19 or begins to display some of the associated symptoms?

Should this occur during one of our sessions, the person(s) will be asked to leave immediately and all others present will be informed accordingly. We ask that the person(s) is tested so that we can inform others of their risk. If positive, we will follow the guidelines above and self-isolate for 14 days. If the test is negative, we can return safely to our sessions following intense cleaning procedures. Refunds for any subsequently missed sessions in the pre-paid booked block will be given.

What happens at the end of the session?

The FSL and the children will return to the welcome circle without any other adults. Goodbyes and instructions will be given to return to their accompanying adult and you will be asked to leave in a socially distant-aware manner, hanging all kit bags back on to a peg by the gate. All equipment will be thoroughly cleaned and/or quarantined before being used again by others.

If your question hasn’t been answered here, please contact Chantel on 07576766645 or you can email info@conkercrew.co.uk